Cloud technology in retail increases productivity

February 20, 2019
Author: David Absalom
Blog | Cloud

Retailers have more technology options than ever. From inventory management systems to customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, cloud technology in retail is helping merchants increase productivity, reduce costs, and boost sales.

Cloud technology in retail is an integral part of the sales environment, and retailers who embrace it will gain a powerful competitive advantage over their peers, as customers expect merchants to provide an array of sales resources including:

  • In-store digital displays that provide detailed product information.
  • Immersive mobile apps that allow customers to visualize the product in their home or business.
  • In-store pickup from items bought online.

For example, Home Depot recently invested $5.4 billion to improve the customer experience in its physical stores and e-commerce platform. Home Depot gives customers multiple communication paths during a single transaction. Online customers who pick up orders at a physical retail location have the opportunity to talk with Home Depot’s expert associates, and a relationship is established that can drive repeat visits.

Additionally, cloud technology in retail enables retailers to streamline their processes, which gives them more time to create a fantastic customer experience. And retailers will only continue to invest in technology.

According to Gartner, worldwide retail technology spending will increase 3.6 percent to $203.6 billion in 2019

Cloud technology in retail increasingly important in today’s world

The CBTS Cloud Practice can help retailers improve their efficiency and effectiveness. By moving data and infrastructure to the cloud, retailers reduce the costs associated with maintaining aging equipment, and provide internal resources with instant access to mission-critical information that increases both productivity and sales.

CBTS provides cloud technology in retail services that:

  • Free IT resources to focus on business initiatives.
  • Help move retailers from a CapEx model to an OpEx model.
  • Provide access to certified experts who monitor and manage solutions 24x7x365.
  • Poise retailers for increased productivity, profit, and growth.

CBTS professionals will guide retailers through the cloud design, development, and implementation process that best fits their specific needs. And, as the retail business grows and changes, CBTS will scale and adjust its cloud technology in retail services accordingly.

At CBTS, your business is our priority. With a variety of technology solutions from data management to cloud services, we have what retailers need to increase sales in 2019 and beyond. Contact us today to see what the CBTS Cloud Practice can do for your retail environment.

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