Our Delivery Methodology and Customer-First Approach

Enabling transformational business outcomes for our clients

Our Methodology

Our methodology

Global reach

Customer first






Total cost of ownership

Our mission and dedication to excellence

Our core mission at CBTS is to enable transformational success for our clients through the delivery of modern technologies, proven processes and advanced services.

Every modern enterprise is challenged with keeping pace with a rapidly changing environment including AI, cloud, security threats, and access to advanced skill sets. It is essential to have a reliable partner who understands your strategic objectives and technological needs. CBTS leverages extensive technology expertise to deliver a holistic, personalized approach to business transformation.

“CBTS is a company that truly does care about its customers’ success.”


Our delivery methodology

Investing in new technology can give your organization a competitive advantage and advance your strategic objectives. However, the success of any solution hinges on the effectiveness of its delivery method and implementation.

Our methodology is a system of documented procedures, communications, and support developed over our 30+ year history delivering technology solutions to tens of thousands of customers of all types and sizes. We approach delivery consistently and effectively, which keeps our clients’ costs to a minimum, shortens time to market, and reduces operational friction.


A thorough assessment of your current state with considerations for desired outcomes and future strategy.

  • Advisory services
  • Review of business requirements and objectives
  • Current state deep dive
  • Risk analysis
  • Reporting outputs
  • Strategic roadmap


Expert design engineered to future-proof your architecture, processes, and operations.

  • Architecture design
  • Implementation plan
  • Documentation of the entire environment
  • Disaster recovery plan
  • Future-state operating plan based on business goals


Each solution is built, tested, and deployed by certified experts working hand-in-hand with the your IT staff.

  • Project management
  • Comprehensive deployment schedules
  • Dependency mapping
  • Documentation and testing
  • Change control processes


Transition to CBTS Managed Services for ongoing 24×7 monitoring, maintenance, and operational support.

  • Service level agreements
  • Alerting and monitoring procedures
  • Run books
  • Service delivery manager
  • Continuous improvement projects
  • Remediation projects


Jeff Lackey

President and CEO

A true global technology partner

All enterprise businesses now exist—in some form or another—in the global marketplace, with organizations across every industry broadening their scope to draw resources and clients from around the world.

As a global technology partner, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and support to clients worldwide.

“I think one thing CBTS does really well is that we don’t even talk platforms until you’re on that third or fourth conversation where we really understand the customer requirements, and then we come in and give them the right approach.”

Steve Lankard
Vice President, Infrastructure Solutions


Our holistic, client-first approach

Building trust through a holistic, customer-first approach is one of the most critical pillars we use to create long-term success for our customers. Over time, trust breeds loyalty and efficiency. In contrast, a cookie-cutter approach to customer service will leave clients wanting.

At CBTS, creating a customer-first approach begins with genuinely understanding our client’s needs through consultations, assessments, and data analysis.

Eric Miller

Vice President, Marketing


Brian Brickner

Senior Vice President, U.S. Sales and Global Programs

Investing in innovative technology helps you stay competitive in a fast-paced world

Companies face a challenging environment where investing in innovative technology is critical to staying competitive. A failure to innovate and transform could adversely affect the organization’s long-term health.

Modern companies are upgrading apps for better reliability and scalability, prioritizing product, service, and customer experience enhancements over cost-cutting to stay competitive.


Lax data security compliance
puts your business reputation
at risk

There’s no other way to say it: data security breaches are expensive and risk your company’s reputation and your customers’ trust. The security of sensitive data should warrant the attention of C-suite-level executives.


Al Early

Senior Vice President and Principal Consulting Services

Digital acceleration helps you stay ahead

The world of technology is constantly evolving, bringing about a wave of change that has the power to reshape our economy and the way we work.

Digital acceleration emphasizes delivery optimization, increased speed-to-value, and risk mitigation at every step, paving the way for a step-by-step approach to delivering tangible results.


How CBTS ensures IT-business alignment

Traditionally, business leaders and IT departments have operated within separate silos, resulting in a misalignment of goals. Breaking down the walls of those silos helps create a harmonious relationship between IT and business leaders which leads to increased efficiency, productivity, and profits.

CBTS recognizes the importance of aligning IT with the goals of the business units they serve, which is critical success factor in any organization.

Brandon Bowman

Chief Operating Officer


Scott Seger

Senior Vice President, Global Accounts and Business Alliances

A customized vendor-agnostic approach tailored to you

As a client’s business grows, so do their technological needs. Many turn to a single vendor. This approach can lead to vendor lock-in, where a company becomes reliant on a single vendor, making it challenging to explore other options as their needs change.

By working with a vendor-agnostic partner, you avoid being up-sold products and solutions you don’t need.


How much do you think about total cost of ownership (TCO)?

A TCO analysis provides businesses with a comprehensive understanding of the costs of their products, services, or projects over their expected lifetime. This powerful tool helps identify areas where your organization can realize savings and efficiencies and provides a solid foundation for investment decisions.

By leveraging TCO analysis insights, our clients can reduce costs and gain competitive advantages critical for success in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Brian Quinn

Senior Vice President, Business and Product Development

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute discussion
with a CBTS solution consultant.

If you’re considering investing in new technology, talk to one of our experts today to see how we can help your organization gain a competitive advantage and reach your business potential.