Digital acceleration helps you stay ahead

December 26, 2023
Author: Al Early
Blog | Thought Leadership

Growth is no longer the forerunner of a successful business. It’s not enough to be the biggest, it’s also about innovating at a pace that maintains your edge over the competition. Navigating complexity now represents the most significant hurdle in creating faster decision-making that helps companies outpace competitors. 

The world of technology is constantly evolving, bringing about a wave of change that has the power to reshape our economy and the way we work. Digital acceleration emphasizes delivery optimization, increased speed-to-value, and risk mitigation at every step, paving the way for a step-by-step approach to delivering tangible results.

One of the key benefits of digital acceleration is its scalability, which offers unrivaled flexibility for businesses and organizations, emphasizing continuous discovery and encouraging meaningful innovation that is future-driven and sustainable. Innovation sourcing is another critical component of digital acceleration, helping to identify new and emerging trends in the market and leverage them to create products that meet evolving needs.

Rather than relying on massive transformation projects, digital acceleration emphasizes smaller initiatives and short iteration cycles. This surgical approach helps mitigate risk and optimize results while ensuring rapid time-to-market with short customer feedback loops. By adopting these strategies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and lead the market with more imaginative innovation and transform the future of work.

How digital acceleration empowers your developers

Developers are crucial in ensuring your organization is secure and running smoothly. They create, test, and implement the apps necessary for your business and security operations. Empowering them is essential because they are your tech team’s backbone.

However, developer burnout is at an all-time high, and inefficient workflows can keep teams from performing at their best. This causes frustration and ultimately leads to lower productivity. 

Fragmented tools remain a top productivity challenge for many developers, frequently distracting them and wasting their time responding to every incident. 

This is why investing in the right technology is essential. Digital acceleration tools such as automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other advanced technologies can help take the burden off developers, making security operations more efficient and allowing developers to focus their talents on more complex tasks.

Empowering your developers with the right tools and technology is critical. They can perform at their best with the right resources, leading to increased productivity, lower burnout rates, and a more efficient and secure organization. 

It’s time to invest in the future of your tech team and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Free your developers to innovate

Many companies outsource their IT needs to third-party experts. Application management services provide the necessary expertise to ensure adaptability, resource availability, continuity, and efficient applications. While cost reduction remains an objective, it’s no longer the most important driver for companies looking to outsource their digital innovation. 

Enlisting application management services through CBTS grants access to specialized experts and unlocks operational and application-level benefits. This includes keeping pace with the continual upkeep and maintenance of mission-critical applications, which is particularly important for companies that operate in fast-paced industries. 

Most companies are burdened by intricate application landscapes encompassing a combination of legacy systems, digital platforms, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. Managing and consuming a significant portion of their IT resources can be challenging. Companies can alleviate this burden by utilizing an AMS provider like CBTS and benefit from the provider’s specialized expertise in managing complex application environments.

One of the main advantages of enlisting an AMS provider is that companies can realize greater business resilience and speed to market because providers can help companies adopt agile methodologies and DevOps practices, which enable them to respond to market changes and customer needs more quickly. Additionally, AMS providers can help companies implement hyper-automation, improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

This can give them a competitive edge in their industry and help them stay ahead of the curve.

Al Early is Senior Vice President of Global Application and Professional Services at CBTS. He reports directly to Jeff Lackey, President & CEO of CBTS. Al joined CBTS in January of 2007 as Director – Professional Services. Al and his team have grown the Professional Services business from $3.5 million in annual revenue to over $350 million in the past 16 years. He established the Application Solutions practice and has been integral to establishing organic branch offices based on client needs. Recently, his group opened a CBTS offshore office in India which has grown to more than 650 resources. His organization successfully recruits over a thousand technical resources annually.

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