Three steps to enhancing security solutions

August 09, 2018
Author: Tom Mangan
Blog | Security
Managed backup

For enterprise organizations, security transcends the day-to-day defenses against attacks.

Large companies often have to simplify, unify, and modernize security systems and security solutions that have grown complex and ineffective. In a merger, corporate security teams must reconcile a range of competing hardware and software configurations. At some point, most enterprises bring in security consultants to help make sense of their challenges and manage the most complex security tasks.

CBTS recently helped a global corporation grapple with these challenges. Here’s a look at three things we had to accomplish so that our client can manage the security threats coming at them from all directions.

1. Streamline your security solution.

Our client has factories, offices, and other facilities in the United States and overseas. Over the years, individual business units acquired a vast array of security technologies that became increasingly difficult to manage.

When the company merged with another global enterprise, it faced a major challenge in hardware and software complexity, which left the company vulnerable. Meanwhile, persistent intrusions and malware attacks exposed weaknesses in the client’s ability to identify intruders and neutralize them before they reached sensitive data.

The company contacted CBTS to help them bring all of their security solutions under the umbrella of a unified security platform. We partnered with a top Silicon Valley security technology provider to implement next-generation firewall hardware and intrusion-detection software.

These new tools allow security experts to sandbox malware code, fend off zero-day attacks, and detect evidence of advanced persistent threats.

2. Centralize security management.

A company with locations around the world needs a central platform for all of its security operations. The Panorama platform from Palo Alto Networks helped us ensure every site views their security status through a single pane of glass that provides in-depth insights on network activity and security threats.

Panorama helps IT admins:

  • Manage multiple devices and data sources through a common interface.
  • Create a common rule base for firewalls, IPS, URL filtering, and other functions.
  • Set group hierarchies to separate devices into subgroups that match the company’s organizational structure.
  • Create templates to automate security configurations.

The result is much better visibility of the entire network system and all the security tools within it.

3.  Partner with an IT security solutions expert.

Our global manufacturer needed a partner with two kinds of expertise:

  • Direct internet security experience, knowledge, and training across a wide variety of industries and markets.
  • Managed services capabilities in on-premise, hybrid, and public cloud infrastructures.

The company needed an IT security provider with extensive experience. CBTS security experts have comprehensive training and deep expertise in highly sensitive security environments.

We also have a managed-services division specializing in security. This service delivers 24x7x365 monitoring, intrusion detection, and advanced perimeter defense.

Find out more in our free case study

Our combination of deep expertise and partnerships with world-class enterprise security vendors ensures we can match clients with the provider that best solves the client’s unique IT challenges.

Our global manufacturing client now has a robust security apparatus—racks of firewall hardware supported by the most advanced cyber defense software on the market.

Download our free case study to see how we did it.

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