Digital transformation in healthcare begins in the Cloud

September 15, 2022
Author: Chris Munoz
Blog | Cloud

The healthcare industry’s technological obstacles are numerous and sometimes difficult to overcome. Many practitioners rely on outdated IT infrastructures that cannot support changing industry practices and insufficient security measures that do not adequately protect against increasing cyberattack risk. Migrating to the Cloud is a cost-effective and reliable first step to jumpstart digital transformation in the healthcare industry.

This blog will examine the benefits of cloud technology in healthcare and review the emerging technology fueling modernization and transformation across the industry.

The need for digital transformation in healthcare

Many providers—especially hospitals—have relied on multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) infrastructures. While affording great privacy, these networks are rapidly aging and ill-equipped to meet modern challenges.

Cybersecurity is another core concern for the healthcare industry. Due to the sensitive nature of patient data and information, providers are often the target of ransomware attacks that can shut down vital systems for weeks. And with the influx of Internet of medical things (IoMT or IoT) devices, the number of avenues to breach security has multiplied exponentially.

Cost and lack of IT resources hinder healthcare providers from starting their digital transformation journey. Moreover, even when companies can take the plunge, maintenance often falls by the wayside because IT staff are overburdened and unable to update applications. As a result, providers’ systems risk security breaches and falling out of HIPAA compliance.

Also read: Cloud security controls that help mitigate risk

What is cloud technology, and how does it relate to healthcare?

For the healthcare industry, digital transformation enables companies to keep up with tech advances, making it critical to future success. Moving to the Cloud means data is stored and shared from remote servers, an alternative to onsite data centers. Any given organization may have one or many different cloud solutions (think Google Drive, OneDrive, Azure, and so forth).

But perhaps the most powerful functionality of cloud technology in healthcare is networking. Cloud technologies, such as software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN), Network as a Service (NaaS), and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), are all methods of boosting the speed of network connections while utilizing existing data lines.

In addition, cutting-edge security protocols like secure access service edge (SASE) and AI-powered tools proactively seek out and block emerging cybersecurity threats.

Learn more: How Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare empowers your organization

Benefits of cloud technology in healthcare

As healthcare providers begin the process of digital transformation, cloud tech offers many benefits. They include:

  • Scalability.
  • Data storage and sharing.
  • Data loss prevention and disaster recovery.
  • Enhanced collaboration and communications.
  • Improved cybersecurity.
  • AI and machine learning deployments.
  • Increased networking speed and efficiency.
  • Greater data merging and access through various sets of applications and automation.
  • Increased patient engagement through various sets of applications and automation.
  • Management of IoMT devices and data.
Also read: Revolutionize your Cloud disaster recovery capabilities with DRaaS

The technologies that are driving healthcare into the future

Emerging cloud technology offers solutions to many of healthcare’s most significant concerns. 


Doctors and providers can now access more significant insights into patient health through IoMT devices. Wearable monitors and apps afford providers real-time connectivity to patient data, a streamlined workflow through connected devices, and cost-effective scalability.

However, legacy IT systems can’t keep up with the sheer amount of data generated by IoMT devices. As a result, compliance and security are both top concerns with IoMT.   

Data analytics and management

Creating more intuitive, accurate, accessible, and compliant EHRs is a considerable undertaking that cloud technology in healthcare is perfectly aligned to address. Cloud systems help merge massive amounts of data while keeping it secure.


AI and machine learning technology offer many benefits for medical providers and businesses. Automation can eliminate record keeping or billing redundancies and send messages or reminders to patients. AI enables researchers to track, examine, and extrapolate data from subjects as diverse as cancer to protein folding. Machine learning security protocols help to track and block threats before they become breaches.


SD-WAN is a virtual wide area network that allows faster networking speed through a cloud-based architecture. With other solutions from CBTS, such as NaaS and UCaaS, SD-WAN generates the potential for explosive growth and productivity for providers, clinics, and hospitals.


SASE is a security methodology that works with SD-WAN to keep the Cloud secure.

Learn more about the CBTS cloud implementation process by downloading this e-book: CIO Field Guide: Cloud Assessment Services


Medical providers don’t often have the resources to oversee the overhaul of their IT systems. Moreover, training staff to use and maintain new systems is an ongoing challenge. It’s not enough that the new systems are adopted—they must be used correctly or risk falling out of compliance or a security breach.

As a seasoned provider for digital transformation, CBTS brings numerous critical capabilities to the development of hybrid cloud environments and managed services for all relevant cloud technology in healthcare. CBTS has broad experience helping our clients choose, implement, and maintain the right technology solutions.

Learn more about how CBTS can help you on your modernization journey.

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