Delivering the promise of Microsoft Workloads on AWS

September 30, 2021
Author: Kevin Muldoon
Blog | Cloud
Microsoft Workloads on AWS woman dipping coffee cup at computer

This blog will illuminate how CBTS can deliver the full potential of Microsoft Workloads on AWS to your enterprise.

A nimble, scalable public cloud has the ability to improve the bottom line and drive internal efficiencies for the busiest of enterprise organizations. A dozen years of satisfied customers running Microsoft Workloads on AWS indicates a platform known for high performance and reliability, not to mention top-of-the-line security, migration support, ownership cost, and flexible licensing options.

CBTS can enhance your digital transition on the service and management side, delivering deep functionality and a robust suite of services to lower the costs of running Microsoft Workloads on AWS. Benefits of this best-in-class technology include:

  • Dependability. Globally-dispersed availability zones result in fewer downtime hours.
  • Cost-effectiveness. AWS helps customers save on Microsoft Workloads compute costs through pricing models such as Spot and a full set of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances.
  • Powerful security. A selection of security, compliance, and governance services makes AWS the superior choice over the next largest cloud provider.
  • Performance efficiency. SQL Server on AWS enables faster performance when utilizing a TPC-C-like benchmark tool as compared to competing cloud providers.
Also read: The value of the cloud in our new reality

AWS brings premium performance and capabilities

AWS is the ideal cloud on which to run Microsoft Workloads, while CBTS will support everything your company needs to modernize Windows-based applications on the cloud. Partnering with CBTS brings top-tier performance to your network alongside a broad range of services.

Here’s a deeper dive into what CBTS on AWS can offer your fast-moving organization:

Optimized performance and dependability: The AWS global infrastructure includes 77 availability zones across 24 regions. Re-establishing your Microsoft Workloads on AWS will give your customers a 98% reduction in unplanned downtime, 71% faster deployment, and 26% higher developer productivity, per figures from IDC. According to Principled Technologies, AWS delivered twice the performance and 62% lower costs for an SQL Server workload when tested against the next largest cloud provider.

Top-flight security and identity services: AWS boasts 230 security, compliance, and governance features—about five times more than the nearest industry competitor. Through the AWS Nitro System, for example, virtualization functions offloaded to dedicated hardware and software results in a minimized attack surface. Busy enterprise organizations can rely on AWS Identity Services for the management of identities and permissions at scale.

Lower TCO: By running Windows on AWS, companies can reduce five-year operational costs by 56% and infrastructure expenses by 37%, according to IDC. AWS also offers clients pricing models like Amazon EC2 Spot, which reduced costs by up to 90% on compute instances for fault-tolerant workloads.

CBTS enhances the AWS adoption process in four key ways:

  • Assessment. CBTS provides a detailed analysis of existing network infrastructure, allowing clients to understand the entire IT environment and how it supports Microsoft Workloads on AWS.
  • Application Modernization. A team of certified AWS experts from CBTS will help you establish the most efficient, cost-effective cloud environments, including the refactoring of existing applications.
  • Easy transition. Once design is complete, CBTS engineers convert legacy applications and infrastructure, then oversee the entire atmosphere’s migration to AWS.
  • Management. A fully-managed Microsoft Workloads infrastructure provided by CBTS is bolstered by day-to-day monitoring and adjustment.
Also read: Efficiency, security, and savings are in reach with managed database services

A nimble and innovative enterprise cloud provider

AWS is known as an innovative cloud provider thanks to new capabilities and services introduced to enterprise customers. Take the case of a travel-booking outfit with plans to migrate 80% of its mission-critical apps to the cloud; while the company considered a host of other cloud providers, it chose AWS due to its global infrastructure support of Asia-Pacific customers.

Today, this customer relies on AWS to develop applications, troubleshoot problems, and scale to process large volumes of data. By using AWS to build a standard deployment model, IT teams can rapidly create infrastructure for new initiatives.

Task CBTS for your digital transformation 

Leveraging CBTS to migrate your Microsoft Workloads to AWS allows you to commission one, hundreds, or thousands of server instances simultaneously, with greater reliability across globally dispersed availability zones. As a seasoned provider for digital modernization, CBTS brings numerous critical capabilities to the development of hybrid cloud infrastructure and in the AWS environment itself.

Also read: How to build a full-spectrum cloud security strategy

Read this e-book to learn more about how CBTS can assist with your Microsoft Workloads on AWS transformation.

Read more from Kevin Muldoon, Sr. Director of Cloud Transformation:

Securing success with an AWS Well-Architected Framework

Take control of third-party programs with proprietary AWS platform solution

What does a successful migration to the public cloud look like?

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